The BioKat M III bioresonance device comprises of a bioresonance therapy module, an
electroacupuncture diagnostic module (EAP-module) and a Software module, in which
electromagnetic fields of bioactive substances (i.e. allergens, nosodes, infectious agents, vitamins
and many more). as well as colors for therapy-and diagnosis are stored availably in digital
electronic form. Furthermore, patient data management is integrated in the software module. The
energetic therapy is realized with the bioresonance therapy module, the recording of the energetic
situation via EAP measurement and the energetic causal diagnosis via the EAP bioresonance
substance test.
Relevant technical data
- 1-channel technology
- Therapy modes A, A(i)nverse, H+D(i)nverse
- Therapy frequency range from 0.01 Hz to 250 kHz
- Therapy amplification range from 01. To 1.000.000 for all therapy modes
- Therapeutic filter-adjustment range from 0.1 Hz to 200 kHz
- Precise adjustment of filters by use of digital filters with a steep filter progression
- Integrated color therapy (red, yellow, blue, green, purple, orange)
- Fixed therapeutic programs
- One digital-to-analog converter (DAC) for output of the electronically stored bioactive substance information
- USB-interface for software S I
- Green display with backlight for display of parameter settings
Technical-and therapeutical features
- Mode H+Di (special bio filter for non-biological external human oscillations)
- Therapy frequency range from 0.1 Hz (therapeutic consideration of elementary biological oscillations in the extremely low frequency range, e.g. the bio rhythms, such as respiratory rhythm, heart rhythm or brain rhythms)
- Definably adjustable therapy frequency range from 0.1 Hz (possibility for selective therapy within the extremely important low frequency range, as described above)
- Causal diagnostic with specialized test-set
- Bio cybernetic color therapy acc. to Dr. Gruba
BioKat M device control and substance-information software

The S I software consists of a patient administration for documentation of recorded EAP measurement values and executed therapies. In the diagnostic portion, the user is guided to the EAP measurement and to the EAP bioresonance test. Additionally, the user is guided through the therapy portion. The software is optimized for application of the energetic causal diagnosis and subsequent energetic therapy.
Furthermore, the bioactive substances are electronically stored in the software. Each individual substance was electronically stored by means of a specifically developed device in accordance with latest technical possibilities.
Overview of functions
- Patient administration including history (Storing of all treatment units incl. EAP measurement values)
- Graphic account of EAP measurement values
- Printout for documentation possible
- Graphic guide for EAP measurement and EAP bioresonance test
- Approx. 20.000 stored bioactive substances which are clearly sorted according to diagnostictherapeutic classifications.
- Software control of the BioKat M III via PC
- Automatic switchover of test modes depending on the bioactive substance type
- Software controlled operating guide of the EAP bioresonance tests
The Software is compatible with PC’s from Windows XP to Windows 8.1.